Freitag, 14. November 2014

No Recasts!

We also love to support the #probjdartists campane!
If you also respect and love our creators´ work, please post an anti-recasts picture on your tumblr, deviantart, flickr, instagram or facebook account and put the hash-tag #probjdartists on it!

Thank you all for the support!!! Have a lovely weekend!


with special greetings from our artists BJD-friends that live here: Fleur (Noble Dolls Rhubarbe Custom), Amaterasu (Mystic Dolls Dreaming Lyséria), Monroe (Cerisedolls Loonette Modded), Heidi (Noble Dolls Raspberry), Chérie (Noble Dolls Rhubarbe dreaming) and Cloud (The Mushroom Peddler Flickr - the mini dragon)

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